- Courses
- ItemPath Integration Guide
- Testing and Maintaining Integrations
Testing and Maintaining Integrations
After constructing the mappings, you're nearly ready to turn on your integration! Data Pull supports the ability to test the integration before you activate it, via the Tests section. Data Push allows you to manually specify a transaction to send, and can be used for testing.
With Variance, data is joined and cached for the purposes of creating reports. To test Variance, create a sample report containing the joined keys. With a working connection, the data should align with the data from your source system.
Testing with Data Pull
Data Pull supports two modes of testing in ItemPath, testing with your connection or using manually provided data:
You can test using the connection and mapping:
- Leave the toggle on "Test using Connection"
- Test
You can test using sample JSON data:
- Turn off the "Test using Connection" toggle
- Paste sample JSON containing the mapped keys from your integration
- Test
The results of your tests will appear on the Tasks tab, with a check mark in the Test column. Select a test run to review messages associated with each part of the job associated with your integration. In the screenshot below, we see that the test failed since an order already exists with the same name:

Testing with Data Push
To test with Data Push, you can manually specify transactions to send to using the Manual Run tab before you activate your integration:
- Find a test transaction from your Power Pick system (e.g. using the Explorer or a History report)
- Copy the ID and return to your Data Pull integration
- Select the Manual Run section, then paste the transaction ID into the text box
- Run
Results of your test will show below and will also be available in the Logs tab. See Integration Logs & Manual Send and Integration Failed attempts for more details.
Note: Usually, Data Push only exports new transactions (Export State type 2) from within the last 24 hours. This criteria is overridden with the Test function.
By reviewing the integration specific logs, you can see any messages exchanged during the integration process and use that to troubleshoot. In addition to helping you test your integrations, these are helpful resources in case anything goes wrong with an integration after it has gone live.
Typically errors fall into one of two categories:
- Connection errors: a detail in the Connection or Integration settings prevent the request from successfully sending.
- Mapping errors: either of the two services expects required data, or data in a particular format that isn't properly mapped between the two services.
ItemPath also keeps separate, full logs of every interaction with its API. These can be helpful for navigating issues with Variance.
If at any point in time you need support, don't hesitate to reach out to our support staff!